Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate)
Baking soda is one of the most popular but least expensive ingredients used in the average household. It makes a great solution for house cleaning and is also surprisingly good for your skin, hair and teeth. Unfortunately not many people are aware of the health benefits of baking soda.
Scientifically called sodium bicarbonate, it was first used as leaven in making bread, cake and any kind of foods that need to rise. When it is mixed with an acid, there will be a reaction of baking soda making bubbles and releasing carbon dioxide gas. When it is used in baking the dough will automatically rise.
Baking soda is also known as nahcolite, which is part of the natural mineral natron. Natron contains large amounts of sodium bicarbonate and has been used since ancient times as a deodorizer, soother and cleanser.
Here are some health benefits you can get from baking soda:
Parabens and aluminum that are found in most deodorants are a potential risk of cancer and other health diseases. Making a firm paste of baking soda with water to use as as a deodorant is a much healthier alternative with no dangerous side effects.
Insect bites
Another use of baking soda is as a natural remedy for insect bites and other skin irritations. By applying the paste of baking soda and water, you will soon ease the skin areas of irritation and itching. This ingredient functions effectively as other medicines for skin without any side effects.
Baking soda can be used as an exfoliator for your skin on the face and body. This ingredient effectively and gently removes dead skin cells, leaving you a bright and healthy skin. Simply combine baking soda and water in the ratio of 3:1 to make a firm paste and use it as usual exfoliators.
To sooth the irritated skin caused by sunburn, soak in the tub of lukewarm water and ½ cup of baking soda. Do not use water to rinse off or towel to dry the affected areas so that your body can absorb the excess baking soda. This way not only sooths the sunburn areas but also boosts the healing process of skin.
Toenail fungus
To completely get rid of toenail fungus, make use of baking soda to fight against the condition. Additionally, the ingredient also acts to exfoliate and eliminate the unpleasant smell in your feet. To apply the remedy, you only need to add baking soda along with 3% hydrogen peroxide and Epsom salt in the ratio of 2:1:2 into a bowl of warm water. Use the liquid to dip your infected toenail in for several minutes, then rinse off with water and towel dry. Do this daily for at least 2 weeks to see the improvement.
Hair Cleanser
Baking Soda And Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo Method:
Most shampoos contain a lot of harmful ingredients and strip our scalps of natural oils. Baking soda is an incredibly easy way to clean your hair safely without any harmful chemicals. Many people using a baking soda mix (dissolved in water) and then applying an apple cider vinegar rinse, have found that their hair has more body, volume, strength and shine. This simple method can remove excess oil and buildup, soften your hair, and restore that lost shine naturally.
Baking Soda Mix: Mix 1 part baking soda with 3 parts water. Mix about 2 to 3 tablespoon of baking soda with 3 times that amount of water in a small squeeze bottle.
Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse: Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar with 4 parts water. Mix a batch of this ahead of time and keep it in a squeeze bottle in the shower.
How To Apply:
Begin with applying the baking soda and water mixture to wet hair. Let it sit for about 1 -3 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
After washing and rinsing with the baking soda mixture, apply the apple cider vinegar rinse. Make sure to close your eyes and distribute the rinse through your hair. After a few seconds, rinse with warm or cold water.
Oral health
It has been confirmed that baking soda has the ability to clean your teeth as well as eliminate bad breath. Not only that, the risk of developing tooth decay is also considerably reduced thanks to the antibacterial properties in baking soda. Use a blender to mix baking soda with sea salt in the ratio of 6:1 then put it in a container. For each time of using, rub a small amount of this mixture on your teeth and gums with your fingertips. Leave it there for at least 10-15 minutes then rinse off again with water.
To make a great natural toothpaste, you can simply mix baking soda with a little bit of water to make a paste, then apply it onto your teeth. You can also mix baking soda with Coconut oil and another essential oil (a few drops of any of these oils: peppermint oil, lemon oil, rosemary oil, oil of oregano, tea tree oil)