MSG and aspartame: the two leading causes of central nervous system damage in the United States

Excitotoxins, as they are appropriately named, are supposed to enhance flavor and excite your taste buds, but this “class” of chemicals overstimulate neuron receptors, which are what allow brain cells to communicate with each other. This causes a firing of impulses at such a rapid rate that they become completely exhausted, and several hours later, these depleted neurons die. This is true cell death, and the parts of the brain that are specifically targeted by excitotoxins are the hypothalamus and temporal lobes, which not only control behavior, emotions, and sleep cycles, but you guessed it, immunity. (

Aspartame and MSG stimulate the taste cells in the tongue, causing food flavor to be enhanced, especially in soups, snacks, sauces, gravies, low-fat processed foods, and now aspartame is found in 95 percent of breath mints and chewing gum, even when they’re not “sugar free.” If you regularly experience any or all of the following, it’s about time to question the amount of “excitotoxins” that are swimming through your heart and brain. Do you suffer from migraine headaches, inflammation, unwarranted weight gain, rashes and “crawling skin?” It may all be spurred by genetically modified flavor enhancers.

Let’s cover all of the bases. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) has at least 20 different names. There are many other products/additives that are simply “sisters” or “cousins” of MSG, but beware, because MSG is a macro-combination of these other “food” additives and chemically engineered flavor enhancers. Plus, the MSG “cousin” additives do not have to be labeled as MSG because they are not manufactured in tandem, so when enough of them add up in your daily intake, you may as well have eaten MSG on an empty stomach.


side effects of aspartame

How do you avoid MSG, aspartame and their
criminal cousins?

Stop buying and stop consuming the following: Glutamic acid, glutamate, monopotassium glutamate, calcium glutamate, autolyzed yeast, calcium caseinate, gelatin, anything “hydrolyzed,” sodium caseinate, soy protein, soy protein concentrate, soy protein isolate, textured protein, whey protein, whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate, yeast extract, yeast food, and yeast nutrient. (

Warning: don’t be fooled by “Pro-MSG” websites that state MSG is an amino acid that the “body produces on its own,” because the MSG on store shelves is processed, GMO and comes from fermented sugar beets. That’s why Monsanto has a monopoly on sugar beets. Watch out for glutamic acid and its ions and salts called glutamates, which are compounds found in many fermented foods, including soy sauce, cheese and hydrolyzed protein.

MSG is the leading cause of migraine headaches, which result from a blood vessel enlargement and the release of chemicals from nerve fibers that coil around these vessels. During the headache, an artery enlarges outside the skull, but just under the skin (the temple). This is when the warning signs that you’ve consumed MSG ring out, and many people experience flashes of light, blind spots, tingling in the arms and legs, nausea, vomiting, and increased sensitivity to light and sound. The pain becomes so excruciating, it’s almost
unbearable. Some migraines are known to last for days. Could that be because the medicine you take contains more?

The “K” criminal “Acesulfame K” creates “significant doubt”

Chemical sweeteners should be entirely avoided by all human beings at all times and you have to know their “hiding places” in order to keep them out of your body. Acesulfame K is just a cousin of aspartame, so don’t be fooled by the label. Acesulfame Potassium (K) was approved for use by the FDA in July of 1988. It is a derivative of acetoacetic acid. Several animal studies/findings show the following: Acesulfame K stimulates insulin secretion in a dose dependent fashion thereby possibly aggravating reactive hypoglycemia
(low blood sugar attacks). Acesulfame K produced lung tumors, breast tumors, and several forms of leukemia and chronic respiratory disease in rodent studies, even when less than maximum doses were given. Still, the FDA eliminated “significant doubt” about its safety and kept it on the shelves. (

Aspartame was banned for decades in the U.S. until 1980, when Ronald Reagan and the infamous Donald Rumsfeld fired the head of the FDA and hired Arthur Hayes Hull, Jr., who immediately approved aspartame ( Hull later left the FDA under allegations of impropriety and then took a position with Burston-Marsteller, the chief public relations firm for both Monsanto and GD Searle. Since that time, he has never spoken publicly about aspartame. Nobody wonders why.

Rumsfeld was CEO of Searle Pharmaceutical, which pushed heavily (lobbied millions of dollars) for years for aspartame’s and MSG approval. Perfect timing for the weight loss craze of the 80s, and look where it got the masses. Can you say obesity problem? Rumsfeld made campaign contributions to at least two Democratic candidates for office, Bill Bradley and John Glenn. Since then, aspartame and MSG have invaded the medicine and supplement markets. MSG and Sorbitol (chemical sweetener) can be found in flu shots and vaccines.

The CDC website states that, “chemicals are added to vaccines to inactivate a virus or bacteria and stabilize the vaccine, helping to preserve the vaccine and prevent it from losing its potency over time,” but what about destabilizing the human being who is having damaging neurotoxins injected directly into the blood stream? What about that? MSG and aspartame cross the blood-brain barrier and can do irreparable damage to the central nervous system (CNS).


Aspartame and MSG are GMOs

The bottom line is that MSG and aspartame are chemicals and should have NEVER been allowed in food or medicine. It is an atrocity to mankind and the entire healthcare industry. Aspartame actually tricks your body into thinking its getting something sweet, so you crave more, and you’re hungrier, all while your body is ingesting a mutagenic carcinogen. This is when the REAL DAMAGE gets done. Aspartame causes nervous disorders and is not natural. It can turn into formaldehyde in the body, especially during physical exhaustion and when being digested on an empty stomach. Both MSG and aspartame cause cells to mutate and multiply uncontrollably (cancer) in lab mice and in human beings.

Here’s a list of short and long-term disorders from consuming the food drugs MSG and aspartame, and how you can spot them “hidden” in products:

• Neurotransmitters can be disrupted: MSG and aspartame interact with other drugs and vaccines. They don’t tell you THAT on the chips and chewing gum labels.

• Activity in the medulla oblongata is disrupted: This very small section of the brain stem has a very large amount of responsibility in the human body, including muscle movement, autonomic body functions and excitatory reactions. These food “drugs” can cause misfiring synapses, leading to confusion, seizures, chronic depression and thoughts of suicide. 

• Neuromuscular disorders and brain lesions.

• Nearly 30 million Americans suffer from migraine headaches ( MSG has also been known to cause asthma and heart irregularities. (

• MSG can give babies brain damage

• MSG causes nervous disorders and most doctors will not tell you about it, but instead prescribe dangerous pharmaceuticals to cover the symptoms.

• Watch out for the renaming of aspartame; “this is precisely the strategy of Ajinomoto, maker of aspartame, which hopes to pull the wool over the eyes of the public with its rebranded version of aspartame, called “AminoSweet”.

• Aspartame is inconspicuously marketed under various brand names like Equal, Nutrasweet, Spoonful, Indulge, Equal-Measure, etc. It is found in thousands of products including children’s vitamins and protein powders. It is the most widely used artificial sweetener and has captured 50 percent of the world market since 1981.

Symptoms of aspartame poisoning include dizziness, muscle spasms, insomnia, slurred speech, vertigo, memory loss, joint pain, and of course, seizures. The most ironic symptom is loss of taste. Consumption of food flavoring criminals can cause dopamine and serotonin levels to be disrupted and altered. That’s right; you don’t have to be on “psych meds” to experience depression, anxiety and migraine headaches. Basically, the food industry is working hard to get you to go to your “doctor” for a Big Pharma prescription, which will ironically ADD side effects and new symptoms of TOXIC BLOOD, like severe mood swings, feelings of depression and suicide.

No thanks! Let’s stick with organic food and natural remedies.



Article by: S. D. Wells,


Sugar free gum with aspartame